
School Day of Peace and Non-Violence

Last January 30, the School Day of Peace and Non-Violence was celebrated, a day dedicated to promoting a culture of non-violence and peace.


This day marks the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi (India, 1869-1948), a pacifist leader who defended and promoted non-violence and peaceful resistance against injustice and who was assassinated for defending these ideas.


From the RLSB, we wanted to contribute by remembering the armed conflicts that exist today and raising awareness among residents of the importance of a culture of non-violence and peace.


“There is no way to Peace, Peace is the way”


Mahatma Gandhi


Residència La Salle Bonanova - Passeig Bonanova, 8 - 08022 - Barcelona

M. 607 085 459 (24 h) - T. 93 254 09 65 - www.residencialasalle.com - info@residencialasalle.com

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